Monday 17 August 2015

What’s in my Handbag?

whats in my handbag river island
Hey everyone, today I thought I’d go through what I keep in my handbag! I usually have a far bigger handbag but I bought this one a few months ago from River Island (it doesn’t seem to be online anymore) because I loved the colour and thought it would be perfect for summer! When I changed over I took out some unnecessary weight I was carrying round so here are my absolute essentials!

what essentials i keep in my handbag

From left to right:

I go through phases where if I’m breaking in new shoes (flat or heeled) I will get at least one new blister a day for about two weeks so I always have patches to hand in case this happens to help cushion my poor heels and/or toes!

Painkillers and a bobble
I don’t actually use painkillers all that often but I always carry some on me in case of emergency and end up giving more away to people that have asked me for them than using myself! The bobble is just there because it fits on nicely and you never know when you will need one!

Tooth Floss
This is an absolute must for me; I hate feeling like I have food stuck between my teeth after meals so I love having this to get rid of any that’s left behind! Nice!

Nail File
This is just a cheap glass file off eBay and the quality isn’t great but if I snag a nail it’s handy to have to smooth over! I want to upgrade this soon to a better quality one like the one I have in my manicure post here!

In case of emergency sneezes, nosebleeds or getting stuck in a public bathroom with no toilet roll. Enough said!

Soap and Glory Hand Maid Hand Cleansing Gel
For freshening up on the go if there’s no sink to wash your hands! I love the smell of this one!

Soap and Glory Mist you Madly
This is usually my scent of choice so I keep this smaller bottle in my bag to freshen up throughout the day! This stuff smells seriously amazing, I love it!

Soap and Glory Hand Dream Super Cream
I can’t be without hand cream in my bag I reapply so often throughout the day! This one absorbs quickly and smells lovely!

Soap and Glory Kick Ass Concealer
This is a powder, concealer and mirror in one and I couldn’t be without it! See my full review here.

Marc B purse
I like purses that have a zip pocket with plenty of spaces for cards and a coin zip inside and this has all that! I’m slightly disappointed with the quality of the outter lining of this; it’s looking a bit battered now. Although it’s not real leather it was the most expensive purse I’d bought so I think I’ll stick to my usual River Island offerings in future!

Lip products including Max Factor Intensifying Lip Balm in Charming Coral, Carmex Pomegranate lipbalm and Revlon Super Lustrous lipstick in Carnival Spirit
I feel naked without some sort of lip product on so I’m surprised there is only three in my bag this time! The Max Factor and Revlon ones are great for adding a bit of colour to my lips and the Carmex one is so moisturising!

Diary and pen
To write down all my exciting weekly plans…not. I do like to have it to write down appointment times and birthdays though! This pen is the best handwriting pen ever, I went through so many of these at school and university then I can’t find them in shops anymore but they are still available online! It’s the Breast Cancer Campaign Pentel Line Style ballpoint pen and if you write a lot you need one of these!

Chewing gum
Self-explanatory, you’re either the person always asking for chewing gum or the one trying to hide it so you don’t have to share it out ;)

river island whats in my handbag

Like I said at the start, this handbag is a lot smaller than I would usually use but it’s good to clear out your handbag in a while! I usually prefer bags that zip over completely but I love the colour and style of this one so much I made an exception! It does have two outer zips as you can see in the photo as well as a main compartment. It has a removable shoulder strap but I like to keep it on and another thing to note about this bag is there is no mini compartment in the main bit to hold your phone which is a bit annoying!

PS. Apologies for the crinkled state my bed is in; I swear it came up worse on camera than it actually is! What are your handbag essentials?



  1. whilst everyone loves candy crush, mist you madly is my fav <3 this stuff smells seriously amazing!

    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

    1. I am obsessed with it! Don't get the fuss over sugar crush or orangegasm at all haha! Xx

  2. I love seeing what people keep in there bag we have a few similar things, you can read mine here . . .

  3. I love posts like this! You have got some amazing bits! I also have to carry loads of plasters!
    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin' // Instagram

    1. Thank you! If I had a bigger bag I would probably have an entire first aid kit in there! Xx

  4. I loved your post, so cute and fun to read! Hand cream and tissues should always be in your hand bags! Vey handy stuff!

  5. You definitely have all the essentials with you! I always carry a notebook and pen with me too. Great post!
    xo Kiki

  6. Your bag is so gorgeous! I love the nude colour!
    I'm a big fan of the Soap and Glory Hand Dream Super Cream too, I got it for my birthday and have been re-purchasing it ever since! Loved the post! <3
    - Molly x

    1. Thank you Molly! It's so good isn't it, I love how quickly it dries in! Xx

  7. Love your bag!

  8. I adore your pretty bag!

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  9. Great post! Carrying around plasters is such a great idea

    Made in MauveBloglovin

  10. very nice, cute bag!!

  11. i love this type of posts :) thanks for sharing :D

    Jessica |

  12. Wow you can fit loads in that bag! Great post xx
    Glossy Boutique

    1. I am quite the overpacker! This doesn't stuff seem that much for me! Xx

  13. I'm such a sucker for a big handbag and I always end up carrying around so much stuff I don't need! If I had a smaller handbag I'd probably unload the 20 lipsticks I carry around more often! I'm always prepared just like you though - got to have band aids and pain killers handy just in cause there's nothing worse than when you don't.

    jessica -

    1. They are lifesavers! I find the hand sanitiser so useful too! Xx

  14. Love this post and that bag is so nice! Ps, like the duvet too :)

  15. You are like me, I have EVERYTHING in my bag.

    Jenn | Jennifer Jayne

  16. great post! I also think I have the same duvet cover as you haha!

  17. I love peaking into other people's bag to see what they carry! I used to carry a lot around but now I've been trying to keep it light and just sticks to my cards, keys, lip products, and gum. I know, that so boring haha.

    xoxo Emily

    1. I wish I could keep it light! I would constantly feel like I had forgotten something though! Xx

  18. I have been using a smaller handbag recently too! I always use smaller ones during Summer and I always carry just few things but I've bought a really huge handbag for Autumn and Winter as I'm going to Uni and I feel like I'm going to be carrying so much stuff I won't even need! I always carry more lipsticks than I should honestly haha :) I love your bag, btw! Xx

  19. That purse is ridiculously cute! I usually carry small cross body bags as well, so I can prevent stuffing things into my purse and adding unnecessary weights to it. Lovely post xx

    La'bell ||

  20. Your handbag is just the perfect size! Lots of Soap & Glory goodies I see ;) I love having one of the body sprays in my bag for an on-the-go spritz xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

    1. They are the best! I am slightly obsessed as you can see! Xx

  21. Love this post, especially all the Soap&Glory stuff! Your actual handbag is gorgeous too

  22. Your handbag is lovely, and I enjoyed this post very much, and what you have in your handbag. :)

  23. You've totally given me purse inspiration to actually start carrying more useful stuff with me haha! As I was reading about the tooth floss and nail file all I was thinking is how much I snag a nail at work or get something stuck in my teeth and kind of just suffer the rest of the day because I never have anything on me to fix it with. Such an easy solution to carry it in my purse, but never thought of it until now.

    1. Thanks Lizzy! Tooth floss is a life saver, so many people ask me for some when they see I have it haha! Xx

  24. Love these kind of posts, and your bag is beautiful love it.

    Sam || Beautydetour

  25. I think we're twins when it comes to what's inside our handbags, except I always have my tablet in there somewhere and a bunch of charger as well as make up for touch and tampons, thats one heavy handbag.

    1. Oh yes, essentials! This bag is a lot smaller than I usually go for so I had to sacrifice some things haha! Xx

  26. Your bag's so beautiful-practical and goes with everything, I got to find something like that too :)
    I'm glad to see I'm not only one obssesed with carying my diary every where.



    1. It's a great handbag! Yes I have to have my diary or I would forget appointments so easily! Xx

  27. Oh, I love your handbag! (:
    Nati xx

  28. ahhh the bag is gorgeous! cant eever go wrong with RI handbags. I cant stress enough how much i regret not carrying plasters in my bag once i've got a huge ass blister! x

    1. RI handbags make up half my handbag collection! Haha they are such a pain, carrying a few saves having to buy a big pack every time :) xx

  29. Yay another super organised person who also carries plasters! Ha! I thought it was just me ;) xx

  30. You fit so much in there! I'm really impressed :)

    Musings & More

  31. love this!!


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