Monday 23 January 2017

Face and Body Masking with Mint Skin

mint skin australia mud mask review

Before Christmas, I was contacted by the lovely people at Mint Skin - a new skincare brand from Sydney, Australia. In November, they launched their first line of products – MUD – mineral based face and body masks and having tried them over the last month I’m ready to talk about how the products performed on my skin!

I was kindly sent the full range of the Detox Mud mask, Rosa Hydration Mud mask and the applicator brush and all products are produced locally and are cruelty free using fair trade guidelines!

mint skin australia mud detox mask reviews

First up, the Detox Mud* (RRP $21.95AUD/approx. £13.40) and boy was I happy to see this! I ate so much junk over Christmas and drank nowhere near as much water as I normally do so I noticed my skin getting more and more clogged over the two weeks I was off. The Detox Mud is recommended for use with oily, congested and acne prone skin or if you suffer from rashes or cellulite on the body. It’s made up of a mixture of organic Australia clays and they work together to draw out toxins and bacteria from deep within the skin.

mint skin australia mud detox mask review

I used this for the first time a few days before I went back to work. I ran myself a bath and mixed the powder in the sachet up with some water to create the mask then brushed it over my face as well as my chest then the excess over my thighs! I left it the full recommended 15 minutes while it dried and when I rinsed it off my skin felt super soft and so smooth!

I had a patch of spots I could feel coming up on the side of my chin and I think this definitely helped draw them to the surface. This is something I’m always scared of happening when I use new products but after using this, they died down so quickly! It helped balance my oily skin and my complexion looked so much clearer after I used this!

This mask is probably the most satisfying thing to look at once its dried on my face – for me anyway! Seeing all my blackheads sitting on the surface then being wiped out once I rinse it off is the best feeling! My nose can feel bumpy at times with blackheads but this mask worked wonders on them leaving my nose completely smooth!

A full sachet gives quite a lot of product so I’d recommend using half if you only want to cover your face to make it last a little longer, just make sure you keep it sealed air tight! I mixed mine in a small bowl and it washed out easily!

mint skin australia mud rosa hydration mask review

The Rosa Hydration Mud* (RRP $22.95AUD/approx. £14.01) is slightly different in that you don’t have to mix water in to activate it. As well as kaolin clay, this mask includes rose oil, aloe vera and honey to soothe and hydrate the skin and is recommended for use when your skin is feeling dull, dry and in need of some hydration and glow!

The mask feels so cooling on the skin and dries down slowly – it’s not uncomfortable or tight feeling and it has a lovely light rose scent. I keep this on for 20 minutes and my skin feels so hydrated after and looks instantly brighter and clearer as well as feeling softer!

I noticed the aftereffects so much around my nose which although oily is constantly dehydrated and with this mask, my makeup applied so much more evenly and didn’t crack around my nose!

mint skin applicator brush review

Lastly, the applicator brush* (RRP $19.95AUD/approx. £12.18). I am not a fan of flat brushes for applying foundation and the thought hadn’t even crossed my mind to apply a face mask with one until now – where have I been?! This brush is spa quality and gives such a smooth and even application! Gone are the days under my nails get covered in leftover mask that takes me an age to get out! The bristles in this brush are packed tight and glide over my skin easily to apply the product!

Overall, I love the simplistic packaging and branding of Mint Skin and the ethos behind them! The products are made in small batches and I can’t wait to see what they come up with in the future to add to their product line! The masks are such high quality and work so well on my skin and Mint Skin offer worldwide shipping which is free for those in Australia!

Have you tried anything from Mint Skin before? Tell me what your favourite facemask is!

Updated Jan 2021 - brand no longer exists!

*denotes a PR sample that was sent to me. All opinions are my own.

Danielle xx

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  1. Ooh I love the sound of the detox mud! Gorgeous photos xx

    Gemma ♡ Miss Makeup Magpie

  2. Never heard of these before but it looks very interesting!

    Lauren x

  3. They all sound lovely...especially the Detox one. I always think its fun to 'cook up' your own skincare but sadly rarely get the time to indulge in any DIY but these sound like they do half the hard work for you ;) xx
    Sal | UmmBaby Beauty

    1. Haha I bet your three would love to help cook them up! It's my first experience mixing a mask up and I loved it! Amazing on my blackheads too! Xx

  4. I like how the masks are individually packaged so your masking a fresh batch every time if that makes sense. Really intrigued by the brand overall, they sound great x

    Beauty with charm

    1. Exactly! I'm so impressed with each product I was sent! Xx

  5. These look pretty cool! I'm happy to see that they're cruelty free!

    Rae //

  6. I really love the cute packaging. Thanks for sharing this new brand.
    Simera |Beautetude

    1. The packaging and branding are beautiful and the products more than match up! Xx

  7. I've yet to try a mask that you mix up yourself, but they look like so much fun! Thanks for sharing :)

    Sara |

  8. these sound so amazing! oiliness and foundation cracking around my nose are my two biggest skin issues!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

    1. So frustrating! The hydrating mask really helped! Xx

  9. These masks sounds amazing and the packaging looks good as well.

  10. The masks sound amazing and the packaging looks so good :)
    Always in the market for face masks, especially during a pamper session

    xo, Yasmin

  11. Both face masks sound really nice! I wish they were easily available to buy in UK! x

    Mummy's Beauty Corner

  12. The detox mask sounds heavenly! And no, I am not familiar with this brand at all but will check them out. Great review, Danielle!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  13. I cannot believe how good that detox mask sounds, I need to try it!
    Charlotte / Charlotte's Picks

  14. The detox mud mask sounds amazing, thanks for the review.

    Abigail Alice 💕

  15. Wow this is interesting! Hope to try them out sometime! :)

    x, Kat | Nested Thoughts

  16. The rose mask sounds really lovely!

  17. Sound like a great one product. Thanks for sharing.

  18. I like the sound of both masks! Are those prices for the individual sachets or for a pack? A good detox mask is always needed after eating too much junk & too many late nights! xx


    1. Tell me about it! Those were the prices for the packs of four! They also sell the packs of four with the brush included! Xx

  19. Love the sound of the detox mud mask, my skin definitely needs something like that right now!

    Lauren Ashleigh xx

    1. My skin was crying out for it after Christmas! Xx

  20. I haven't tried this, but they sound lovely.

  21. Firstly, great pictures!! This was such a great post and this brand sounds really amazing! I would definitely love to try the detox mud mask! x

    Cyber Mermaids | Alternative beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog

  22. I love the packaging - the branding is awesome! Looks so clean and fresh. Love the sounds of this mask too, good to hear that it actually makes a difference not long after application!

    Lindsey Elyse | lindseyginge

    1. Definitely a big difference! Love the branding too! Xx

  23. That detox mask sounds amazing. I have acne prone skin so it something I need to try.

  24. I like the idea of these masks and the applicator as well, very clever idea, I hate masks up my nails too!

    1. It's so annoying isn't it! Applying face masks with a brush is life changing haha! Xx

  25. These face masks sounds wonderful! Any skincare product that provides hydration sounds good to me. x

  26. I literally love anything mint especially on your skin, it feels so freshing, I've never tried this but I really like the sound of it, a face mask every week is a must


  27. I haven't tried anything from this brand but will check them out.
    Nina's Style Blog

  28. These masks sound so nice - and the brush too! I've never tried applying a mask with one either. I feel like I should now! x

    Kate Louise Blogs / Skincare Giveaway

    1. You definitely need to give it a go! So much better!

  29. The rose hydrating mask sounds lovely! The brush is a really thoughtful addition because masks can get a bit messy! :) xx

    Velvet Blush

  30. looks great!

    NEW BLOG ! please follow me : YOUNG BLOG

  31. These sound really good, my nose is also a little dehydrated. I love the name of this brand too, thanks for sharing x

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

  32. I've never heard of this brand before - I'd love to give the masks a try! :) x

    ♡ itsjessiejane ♡

  33. Never heard of them, but products sound amazing! I love the packaging too :)

  34. Hi Danielle :) your photos are really really beautiful! I've never heard about this brand but I love face masks so I really like it!! Have a nice day xx

    1. Thank you Aisha! Hope you have a lovely day too! Xx

  35. Nowadays, the popularity of the beauty skin care products is going on increasing due to their highest sale in the market. This Site

  36. Never heard of this brand before, but I'm always up for trying new things. And the packaging is so pretty, which is a bonus!

    19 by Chance | 1415

  37. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I need to try this. I'm always looking for a good face mask! :)


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